Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time for the AARP to get some Moral Clarity...

From Hugh Hewitt's interview with David Certner of AARP(Click for Transcript).

Hugh interviewed Mr. Certner on Tuesday, and I believe Mr. Certner's responses are illuminating. Not because I believe a single word he said, but because I can prove that some of his statements are, at best, misinformed and, at worst, outright lies.

So, straight to it:

Hugh had just asked about from where savings from Medicare would come, Mr. Certner began talking about Medicare Advantage. Now, at first, I was pretty sure something was amiss. You see, I used to work for BlueCross BlueShield of Texas as a claim examiner, and something he said didn't ring true about Medicare Advantage plans. Here's what he said:

"DC: Well, right now, the insurance companies provide an alternative to traditional Medicare..."

Here's the problem with that: Medicare Advantage isn't an "alternative" to Medicare. It's a supplement. You still have to pay your normal Medicare A & B Premiums, and usually an additional premium to the Insurance Company (probably why only about 20% of Medicare participants elect Medicare Advantage).
Here's the salient bit from Medicare's Website:
"To join a Medicare Advantage Plan, you must have Medicare Part A and Part B. You will have to pay your monthly Medicare Part B premium to Medicare. In addition, you might have to pay a monthly premium to your Medicare Advantage Plan for the extra benefits that they offer."

Next: Still talking about Medicare Advantage, here's the exchange:

"HH: How many people are in Medicare Advantage?

DC: Roughly 20% of the Medicare population is in a Medicare Advantage plan.

HH: So 20% of Americans over the age of 65 are going to be impacted by these, what did you call, changes to their benefit plans?

DC: Well, I would say that 20% are in the class that could be potentially impacted. I suspect that there’ll be a smaller percentage of those who may actually be impacted.

HH: So that’s millions and millions of senior citizens who are going to have their benefits diminished or their insurance payments increased?

DC: I would say potentially, there are a few million people. On the other hand, 80% are likely to see their premiums now be lower because they’re not providing these extra subsidies...

Now, I don't know if any of this is factually inaccurate or not, but let me see if I can boil this down: 15% of Americans don't have Health Insurance (100% of Americans can receive needed health care), and that's terrible. But the AARP isn't concerned that 20% of it's members will (likely) lose (or have greatly reduced) the coverage they do like. (Hmmm... wasn't someone saying something about "If you like your plan you can keep it?")

Next: Medicare Premiums:

"HH: Now everything I’ve read does not tell me anywhere that Medicare premiums are going down for people. Now I have not read that anywhere. Is that part of a plan, Medicare premiums are going to go down?

DC: Well, as you know, Medicare premiums goes up with the cost of health care. So the more we can reduce the cost of health care, whether it’s reducing the subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans or other health care costs, we’ll keep premiums as low as possible.

To anyone who believes their insurance costs (especially premiums) will go down because of increased federal mandates: I have a bridge in California I'd like to sell you.

Still Medicare Premiums:

"DC: Right, because we don’t want them to continue to see their premiums double. We want to make sure that premiums are going up at an affordable pace. We need premiums to be fair so people can afford them, not to keep going up at these tremendous rates."

See that word "fair?" That word is a good indicator someone is trying to put one over on you. Note to Mr. Certner: Life isn't fair. To cripple an industry's ability to offset its costs is hardly "fair." I would even say that it is, perhaps, anti-business.

Well, there's far more than this in there as well, and you can certainly read the rest of the transcript (take some headache medicine first). I think this is enough to say: AARP Members- be afraid, be very afraid.

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