Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mr. President, you need some Moral Clarity

This Is Sick.

Mr. President, why on earth would you address the school children of America without their parents available? And why, exactly, on a day that will be the first day of school for many school districts?

Let me explain something: Children should be in school to learn to Read and Write, to do Arithmatic, and think logically (we call it "problem solving" now, but logic is an actual skill which has fallen by the wayside...) They should not be there to ask what they can do for you. They should not be there to ask what their parents or communities or teacher or even Santa Claus can do to help you. So, for once, shut down your narcissistic ego, shut your trap, and let kids learn.

I've seen some people asking why this should be a problem. So let me try this slowly:

The President of the United States is, before all else, a political figure. He is, in many ways, the most powerful man in the world. Children are very impressionable, and (since we take away all their rights) very vulnerable in school. It doesn't matter if this President tries to indoctrinate our children; by setting this precendent, he's opening the door for one in the future to do so. And, before you say it couldn't happen, look at Soviet Russia, or National Socialist Germany, or Fascist Italy, or Communist China. I'm pretty sure, had this happened back before their brushes with totalitarianism, they would have said it couldn't happen to them, either.

This President and his Congress are already trying to take away our liberty. This whole Health Care stupidity is Unconstitutional, the bailout was Unconstitutional, Cap and Trade is (barely) Constitutional, but will still deprive us of liberty we currently have.

And I'm supposed to trust him that he's not going to try to send some Left-wing, socialist/communist message to our children? Riiiight...

h/t: Michelle Malkin

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