Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And now some time for

Some moral clarity.

Last night, an important man in America died. Edward Kennedy was, yes, a scoundrel. He was a man-child of privilege. He was everything we on the Right despi... roll our eyes at. But he was an important man.

More importantly, today, he was a father, a brother, an uncle. And already the day which should have been used solely for his family's mourning has been desecrated. Almost before he had cooled, his supposed friends and allies were attempting to use his death for political gain. At the same time, his enemies were already reviling him.

Ladies and Gentlemen, can we have just a little decorum? Please? Can we not wait one week out of respect for the dead? How about one day?

I didn't know Ted Kennedy. I'm not from Massachusetts, so he was never my senator. He did some awful things. I'm sure he did good things, too. None of that matters now, because he's dead. Leave him alone for a week, or at least a day or two.

To his family: I pray that God will show him the same Mercy and Grace I hope to receive, and welcome him with open, loving arms. I hope the darkness of this world falls from his eyes, and that he is welcomed by the Light. Most of All, I know that God is willing to be with you, if you'll only lean on Him, and He will see you through this difficult time.

My Grand father passed away last year. He was 96, and wanted to die. God took him home swiftly and painlessly one night, in the presence of his wife, daughters, and sons-in-law. Despite the fact we knew it was coming, I was devastated. So I have an idea what you're going through.

May God's peace be with you, and His countenance be upon you. Amen.